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Intel Flash的驱动实现及提供给文件系统Flash File System的一些接口

2006-02-24 19:10 525 查看

APS Automatic Power Saving

BBA Block Base Address

CFI Command User Interface

CUI Command User Interface

DU Don't use

EFP Enchanced Factory Programming

FDI Flash Data Integrator

NC No Connect

OTP One-Time Programmable

PBA Partition Base Address

RCR Read Configuration Register

RWE Read-While-Erase

RWW Read-While-Write

SCSP Stacked-CSP

SRD Status Register Data

WSM Write State Machine

Block A group of bits(words) that erase simultaneously with one block erase instruction

MainBlock 32k-words

Parameter block 8k-words

Partition A group of blocks that share erase and program circuit and a common status register

Top Partition Located at the highest physical device address

Bottom Partition Located at the lowest physical device address

Main Partition incluing main blocks only

Parameter Partition including main blocks and parameter blocks

Top Parameter Device(TPD) Parameter Partition在Memory Map高端,也叫Top-Boot Device

Bottom Parameter Device(BPD)

ETOX EPROM Tunnel Oxide

PR Protection Register

RCR Read Configuration Register

SR Status Register

MCM Multi-Chip Memory

PLR Protection Lock Register

PRD Protection Register Data

RFU Reserved For Future Use


VCC 都大写表示管脚名称或信号

Vcc 与VCC不同,表示时间信号或电信号

CE#[2:1], OE#[2:1] 片选信号,"#"表示低电平有效,

VCC, P-VCC, S-VCC P-VCC表示PSRAM,S-VCC表示SRAM. 其中PSRAM就是伪SRAM,内部的内存颗粒跟SDRAM(同步DRAM)颗粒相似,但外部接口跟SRAM相似,不需要SRAM那样复杂的控制器和刷新机制.PSRAM接口同SRAM一样. PSRAM就是Pseudostationary(似稳定的,假稳定的)SRAM.

A[21:0] 地址线,222=4M.由于数据线为16bit,即4M X 16 = 64Mbit. 当连接到ARM时,ARM的A0悬空,是Flash的A0 连接到ARM的A1.故Flash的地址X2 = ARM的 地址.这就是问什么在Flash file system中BANK_DATA_BEGIN = 0x700000对应到Flash中的地址为0x380000的原因(关于这一些,在Flash file system中会做进一步的说明).

D[15:0] 数据线,共16bits,这就是问什么word是指16bits的缘故

CLK 时钟,仅用于同步读,地址在ADV#(Flash Address Valid)的上升沿锁存,或当ADV#为低时,在CLK的上升/下降沿锁存,取决于那一个先发生.

ADV# 地址有效信号

WAIT 等待信号,也仅仅用于同步方式

CE#1,CE#2 片选信号,CE#1对应Flash die#1

S-CS1#,S-CS2 SRAM片选信号,S-CS1#为低,S-CS2为高有效

P-CS# PSRAM片选,当PSRAM片选有效时,PSRAM的内部控制逻辑(internal control logic),输入缓冲(input buffers), 译码器(decoders), and sense amplifier读出放大有效.

OE#1, OE#2 输出使能(Flash输出使能)

R-OE# RAM输出使能

R-UB#/R-LB# RAM UPPER/LOW BYTE使能,分别对应D[15:8], D[7:0]

WE# RAM写数据

WR# Flash写保护. WR#- low enable the lock-down mechanism-locked down blocks control be unlocked with software command即是否允许软件unlock

RS# 复位


P-MODE PSRAM Mode, P-Mode用于编程configuration mode,进入或结束低电压模式

VCC1, VCC2 Flash Logic Power

S-VCC SRAM Power Supply

P-VCC PSRAM Power Supply

VCCQ Flash Output-buffer power, Supplies power for the I/O output buffers

VSS Ground

RFU 留作以后用

DU 没有使用,必须悬空

Flash Partition划分

本文以Intel RD38F2030W0TQ1为例进行说明

RD 表示封装Stacked-CSP

38F Stacked-CSP Intel@ Flash Memory

20 Flash Density 0: no die;2 : 64Mbit

30 RAM Density 0 : no die; 1 : 4Mbit; 2: 8Mbit ; 3:16Mbit; 4:32Mbit

W0 Product Family, W= Intel@Wireless Flash Memory, 0 : No die

Z I/O为3V, Core内核为1.8V,说该Flash是1.8V的,即是指Core而言

T Parameter Location T表示Top Parameter

Q Quard Ballout四方球形封装

0 Device Process W18 Speed为 14ns Sync/65ns Async, Flash pProcess = 0.13ns

Flash Partitioning 1

PartitioningBlock Size(KW)Blk#Address Range
Flash Pamater PartitionPartition 04127-1343F8000-3FFFFF
Die #232120-1263C0000-3F7FFF
Main PartitionsPartition 132112-119380000-3BFFFF
Partition 232104-111340000-37FFFF
Partition 33296-103300000-33FFFF
Partition 4-73264-95200000-2FFFFF
Partition 8-15320-63000000-1FFFFF
Flash Partitioning 2

PartitioningBlock Size(KW)Blk#Address Range
Flash Main PartitionsPartition 8-153271-134200000-3FFFFF
Die #2Partition 4-73239-70100000-1FFFFF
Main PartitionsPartition 33231-380C0000-0FFFFF
Partition 23223-30080000-0BFFFF
Partition 13215-22004000-07FFFF
Parameter PartitionPartition 4-7328-14008000-03FFFF
Partition 8-15320-7000000-007FFF
如果Parameter Partition在地址高端,叫top parameter.根据上图可以看到:一个Flash包含16个Partition,每一个Partition为8 X 32KWord或者4 X 8KWord + 7 X 32KWord.故共计16 X 8 X 32KWord = 4096KWord = 4096 X 16K = 64Mbit


TA Operating Temperature -400C --- +800C

VCC Flash Supply Voltage +1.7V --- +1.95V

VCCQ Flash I/O Voltage

S-VCC SRAM Supply Voltage +1.8V--+1.95V

P-VCC PSRAM Supply Voltage

VPP1 Flash Programing Level 0.9V--1.95V

VPP2 Flash Factory Program Voltage 11.4V-12.6V


1) A 128-bit protection register enhances the user's ability to implement new security techniques and data protection schemes

2) CUI Command User Interface, A valid command sequence operation that automutically execute the algorithm, timings, and verifications necessary to manage flash memory program and erase

3) APS(Automatic Power Saving)- Can significantly reduce power consumption

4) Memory Map and Partitioning W18 4Mbit(即256KWord = 8 X 32KWords)划分,允许RWW or RWE.

5) 64Mbits flash 有64Mbits/4 = 16 Partition. 4M-bits Parameter Partition,包含8个4-Kwords parameter blocks和7个 32-kWords. 每一个4M-bit main partition含8个32-kwords blocks

6) Main blocks可以用于store data/code, parameter blocks可以用于storage of frequently updated small parameters that are normally stored in EEPROM.


Read Array Return flash array data from the addressed location

Read Identifier Get manufacture ID, device ID codes, block lock status, protection register data,这些参数从PBA处读取

Read Status Register Returns Status Register from the addressed partitions

8) Reset RST#(Low),复位后, device为read-array mode, Status reister为0x80, the Configuration Register为asynchroness page-mode read.

9) Device Command The devices on-chip WSM manages erase and program algorithm. This local CPU(WSM) controls the device in-system read, program, and erase operation. Bus cycles to or from the flash memory confrom to standard microprocess bus cycle.

Command Code and Description

(A) Read Command

1)0xFF Read Array, Places selected partition in Read Array Mode

2)0x70 Read Status Register, 设置完毕后,SR data放到D[15:0]上. A partition automutically enters this mode after issuing the program or erase command

3) 0x90 Read Identifier, Please the selected partition in Read ID mode. Device Read from partition address output manufacuter/device codes, configuration register data, block lock status, or protection register data on DA[15:0].具体是读那一个参数,则需要根据地址为PBA + offset来指示.

4)0x98 CFI Query 读出CFI Query到DQ[7:0]

5)0x50 Clear Status Register. WSM可置位. SR[1] Status Register's block lock; SR[3] Vpp; SR[4] program; and SR[5] erase.

(B) Program Command

1) 0x40 Word program setup, This preferred program command's first cycle prepare CUI for a program operation. The second cycle latches data and address. and execute the WSM program algorithm at this location. A read array command is required to read array after programming

2)0x10 同word program setup类似

3)0x30 EFP Enchanced Factory Programming,如果接下来为EFP Confirm,则进入EFP模式

4)0xD0 EFP Confirm


1)0x20 Erase Setup, Block Erase,若接下来为Erase Confirm,则擦除;若不是Erase Confirm,则CUI设置SR[5:4]指明sequence error.并使Partition in the read status register mode

2)0xD0 Erase Confirm 在擦除过程中,the partition仅仅respond's to read status register.program suspend, erase suspend command.


1)0xB0 Program Suspend or Erase Suspend,挂起正在执行的program或者Erase操作, Status Register会设置SR[2](program suspend), SR[6](erase suspend),SR[7]. The WSM remain in the suspend states regardless of constrol signal staus

2) 0xD0 Suspend Resume

(E)Block Locking
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