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SQL Server 2005 Septemper CTP安装中的incompatible components问题解决

2005-09-27 21:58 621 查看
在添加及删除软件中已经卸载了全部以前版本的相关组件,但在安装SQL Server 2005 Septemper CTP时仍然报以下错误:

SQL Server 2005 Setup has detected incompatible components from beta versions of Visual Studio, .NET Framework, or SQL Server 2005. Use Add or Remove Programs to remove these components, and then run SQL Server 2005 Setup again. For detailed instructions on uninstalling SQL Server 2005, see the SQL Server 2005 Readme.

查安装日志(%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\Log \SQLSetup????_Core.log ),发现如下错误信息:

Product "{4D2DFB70-AECB-47BF-A895-3B3AA544934F}" versioned 9.00.1187.07 is not compatible with current builds of SQL Server.Expected at least version: 9.00.1314
The Product Name is "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Tools CTP"

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