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RecapQuiz of Software Engineering Foundation-PartⅠ

2005-09-04 14:34 387 查看
Need for a Mature Process
S.NO.QuestionS.NO.Possible answer
1. What is a Software process? 
The set of activities, methods, and practices used in the production and evolution of software. (SEI CMM (Humphrey, 1989, Paulk et al, 1993) 
2. What is a mature process? A mature process is defined clearly in terms of activities, methods, and practices, such that it can be applied consistently across projects. A mature process has evolving guidelines for continuous improvement.
3. What is SEI-CMM? 
The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) of Carnegie Mellon University has developed a Capability Maturity Model, which describes the principles and practices that should be followed for software process maturity.  The CMM model provides a framework for organizations to monitor their process and improve continuously.

Analyzing Industry Perspective on SEI-CMMi

S.NO.QuestionS.NO.Possible answer
4. What is ISO 9001-2000?1. The ISO 9000 series of standards is a set of documents dealing with quality systems that can be used for external quality assurance purposes. They specify quality system requirements for use where a contract between two parties requires the demonstration of a supplier's capability to design and supply a product. The two parties could be an external client and a supplier, or both could be internal, for example marketing and engineering groups in a company. 
5. How is ISO different from SEI-CMMi?2. ISO is a quality standard that is applicable to many industries. CMMi is a quality model specific to IT industry.  
Identifying Key Roles
 Question Possible Answers
1.      What is the importance of team organisation?1.        Organized and structured team is the key to a successful project.
2.      What are the key roles in a software development factory?2.        a.      Commercial Project Managerb.      Project Managerc.      Technical Lead/Architectd.      Team Leadere.      Team Member/Developerf.        Quality Assurance/Testerg.      Quality Reviewerh.      Configuration Manageri.         Subject Matter Expert Other roles can also exist depending on the type of project.

Project Start-up Activities

 Question Possible Answers
1.Explain the different phases of an SDLC? 1.        The different phases of SDLC are:w        Analysis·         Determining the business needs and requirements of the system.w        Design·         Developing a structure or prototype of the proposed system.w        Construction·         Developing the system based on the requirements and design.   w        Testing·         Evaluating to ensure that the system complies with the requirements.w        Implementation      Execution of the system.
2.What are project-startup activities?2.        Project start-up is a set of activities performed before the initiation of the project. It involves specifying initial requirements, signing contract, and creating project plans. 
Critical Start-up Documents- RFP and Contract
 Question Possible Answers
1.What is an RFP? 1.·                                 RFP is the document send out by the client stating the requirements, scope and terms of the project. The potential service providers or vendors send a bid in response to RFP.  
2.What is a Contract? 2.A contract is a written agreement between the client and the service provider or vendor, which defines the scope, commercials considerations, terms, and conditions for mutual responsibilities of the project.
3.Define:·          RFI·          SOW3. RFI:An RFI is a preliminary step to an RFP, in which a company solicits a number of potential vendors for information about their products and services. SOW:The Statement of Work provides the details of the job to be done. It describes the problem as well as the users and the user environment. The overall technical capabilities of the system are described, as well as what is not included.

Critical Start-up Documents - Project Plan

 Question Possible Answers
  2.What is a Project plan?2.A project plan consists of low-level details, critical path activities, bottlenecks and risks analysis as well as resources required by the projects.  
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