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Say it isn't so爱从未离开

2005-07-30 10:10 302 查看
Say it isn't so 爱从未离开
Skies are dark it's time for rain 天黑黑,风雨欲来
Final call you board the train 你登上列车时打来电话
Heading for tomorrow 准备走向明天
I wave goodbye to yesterdays 我向昨日挥手告别
Wipe the tears you hide your face为你擦去满面泪水
Blinded(瞎的,盲目的)by the sorrow 离愁模糊了双眼
How can I be smiling like before 我怎能重拾昨日的笑容
This is starting over 这是新的开始
If you wanna know,I don't wanna let go
Ten to five at least we tried 不管怎样至少我们努力过
We're still alive but hope just died 我们虽然活着,但我宁愿死去
Whistle blows and tons of steel 汽笛响起,列车启动
Shake the ground beneath(在。。。之下) the wheels 大地在车轮下颤抖
As I wish I never found you 我希望从未认识你
Will I be strong enough to carry on 不知道自己是否有勇气坚持
He has suffered from stammer(口吃,结巴地说出)when he began to talk.他从小就有口吃的毛病。
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