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简单的员工管理系统 问题描述[align=center] [/align][align=center] [/align]每个员工的信息包括:编号,姓名,性别,出生年月,学历,职务,电话,住址。 系统功能包括: (1)   查询:按特定条件查找员工。 (2)   修改:按编号对某个员工的某项信息进行修改。 (3)   插入:加入新员工的信息。 (4)   删除:按编号删除已离职的员工的信息。 (5)   排序:按特定条件对所有员工的信息进行排序。    [align=center]算法分析与设计[/align][align=center] [/align]选用哈希表作为数据的存取结构,哈希表构造采用除余数法,冲突处理则采用线性探测再散列法,排序采用快速排序法。 基本员工结构描述如下:typedef struct employ{  /*员工结构描述*/        int id;     /*编号*/        char name[8];   /*姓名*/        char sex[2];         /*性别(fm,m)*/        int birth_y;    /*出生年(19XX)*/        int birth_m;    /*出生月*/        char level[6];  /*学历*/        char duty[8];   /*职务*/        char tel[11];   /*电话*/        char add[20];   /*住址*/}employ; 员工的编号既id作为哈希法查找的关键字 int H(int key)  /*哈希函数*/{        return key%Max;} 查询函数:int find_emp(employ emp[],int flag);    /*查询*/employ emp[]       /*待查询哈希表*/int flag    /*查询类型*/flag=0    无条件查询flag=1    按编号查询flag=2    按姓名查询flag=3    按性别查询flag=4    按生日查询flag=5    按学历查询flag=6    按职务查询flag=7    按电话查询              使用哈希法定位员工的存储位置 修改函数:int edit_emp(employ emp[],int edit_id);             /*修改*/employ emp[]              /*待查询哈希表*/int edit_id            /*待修改员工的编号*/ 使用哈希法定位待编辑员工的存储位置 插入函数:void ins_emp(employ emp[]);        /*插入*/employ emp[]              /*待查询哈希表*/ 首先录入员工基本资料,然后把员工编号带入哈希函数计算出存储位置,如果冲突,采用线性探测再散列法计算新的存储位置,直到没有冲突为止。 删除函数:int del_emp(employ emp[],int del_id);  /*删除*/employ emp[]              /*待操作哈希表*/int del_id              /*待删除员工的编号*/ 使用哈希法定位待删除员工的存储位置 排序函数:int sort_emp(employ emp[],int flag);     /*排序*/employ emp[]              /*待排序哈希表*/int flag           /*排序类型*/ 在此排序类型flag为0既为按员工编号排序 排序采用快速排序法,具体实现函数说明如下: int QKPass(employ emp[],int left,int right)         /*一趟快速排序算法*/ 对记录数组emp中的emp[left]至emp[right]部分进行一趟排序,并得到基准的位置,使得排序后的结果满足其之后(前)的记录的关键字均不小于(大于)基准记录 void QKSort(employ emp[],int left,int right)              /*快速排序*/ 对记录数组emp[left…right]用快速排序法进行排序 [align=center] [/align][align=center]其它具体描述参见程序源代码内的注释[/align]    [align=center]程[/align][align=center]序[/align][align=center]源[/align][align=center]代[/align][align=center]码[/align][align=center] [/align][align=center] [/align][align=center]程序源文件分为两部分:[/align][align=center]fansy.h[/align][align=center]头文件存放所有函数的实现代码[/align][align=center]fansy.c[/align][align=center]程序的实现代码,须包含前头文件[/align]/*******************************************************//*                F.S.Studio 1999--2004                   *//*                        Fansy                        *//*                http://fansy.nease.net                    *//*                                                     *//*                    员工管理系统                     *//*                        DEMO                       *//*                                fansy.h                                  *//**************************************2004.06.06*******/ #include "string.h"#define Max 100#define NULL 0typedef struct employ{  /*员工结构描述*/        int id; /*编号*/        char name[8];   /*姓名*/        char sex[2];       /*性别(fm,m)*/        int birth_y;    /*出生年(19XX)*/        int birth_m;    /*出生月*/        char level[6];  /*学历*/        char duty[8];   /*职务*/        char tel[11];   /*电话*/        char add[20];   /*住址*/}employ;  int H(int key)  /*哈希函数*/{        return key%Max;} /*************************************************************************/ void print_emp(employ p) /*职工资料输出*/{        printf("/nThe id is:%d",p.id);        printf("/nThe name is:%s",p.name);        printf("/nThe sex is:%s",p.sex);        printf("/nThe birth year is:%d",p.birth_y);        printf("/nThe birth month is:%d",p.birth_m);        printf("/nThe educational level is:%s",p.level);        printf("/nThe duty is:%s",p.duty);        printf("/nThe telephone number is:%s",p.tel);        printf("/nThe address is:%s",p.add);} /*************************************************************************/ int find_emp(employ emp[],int flag) /*查询*/{        int i;i=0;         switch(flag)        {                case 0: {       /*无条件查询*/                                while(i<Max)  /*遍历哈希表*/                                {                                        if(emp[i].id!=NULL)                                        {                                                print_emp(emp[i]);   /*输出*/                                                printf("/nOperation success!!!/nPush any key to continue.../n");                                                getch();                                        }                                        i++;                                }                                return 1;                        }                case 1: {       /*按编号查询*/                                int t_id,d;                                printf("/nPlease input the id:");                                scanf("%d",&t_id);                                 i=H(t_id);      /*计算哈希地址*/                                                            for(d=1;emp[i].id!=NULL;d++)                                {                                        if(emp[i].id==t_id)                                        {                                                print_emp(emp[i]);   /*输出*/                                                printf("/nOperation success!!!/nPush any key to continue.../n");                                                getch();                                                return 1;                                        }                                        else i=H(t_id+d);   /*线性探测再散列*/                                }                                printf("/nCann't find the record!!!/nPush any key to continue.../n");       /*未查找到*/                                getch();                                return 0;                        }                case 2: {       /*按姓名查询*/                                char t_name[8];                                int f;                                printf("/nPlease input the name:");                                scanf("%s",t_name);                                while(i<Max)  /*遍历哈希表*/{if(emp[i].id!=NULL&&strcmp(emp[i].name,t_name)==0)                                        {                                                print_emp(emp[i]);   /*输出*/                                                printf("/nOperation success!!!/nPush any key to continue.../n");                                                getch();                                                f=1;                                        }                                        i++;                                }                                if(f)                                        return 1;                                else                                {                                        printf("/nCann't find the record!!!/nPush any key to continue.../n");       /*未查找到*/                                        getch();                                        return 0;                                }                        }                case 3: {       /*按性别查询*/                                                            char t_sex[2];                                int f;                                printf("/nPlease input the sex:");                                scanf("%s",t_sex);                                while(i<Max)  /*遍历哈希表*/                                {                                        if(emp[i].id!=NULL&&strcmp(emp[i].sex,t_sex)==0)                                        {                                                print_emp(emp[i]);   /*输出*/                                                printf("/nOperation success!!!/nPush any key to continue.../n");                                                getch();                                                f=1;                                        }                                        i++;                                }                                if(f)                                        return 1;                                else                                {                                        printf("/nCann't find the record!!!/nPush any key to continue.../n");       /*未查找到*/                                        getch();                                        return 0;                                }                        }                case 4: {       /*按生日查询*/                                int t_birth_y;                                int t_birth_m;                                int f;                                printf("/nPlease input the birthday:");                                scanf("%d,%d",&t_birth_y,&t_birth_m);                                while(i<Max)  /*遍历哈希表*/                                {                                        if(emp[i].id!=NULL&&(emp[i].birth_y==t_birth_y||emp[i].birth_m==t_birth_m))                                        {                                                print_emp(emp[i]);   /*输出*/                                                printf("/nOperation success!!!/nPush any key to continue.../n");                                                getch();                                                f=1;                                        }                                        i++;                                }                                if(f)                                        return 1;                                else                                {                                        printf("/nCann't find the record!!!/nPush any key to continue.../n");       /*未查找到*/                                        getch();                                        return 0;                                }                        }                case 5: {       /*按学历查询*/                                char t_level[6];                                int f;                                printf("/nPlease input the educational level:");                                scanf("%s",t_level);                                while(i<Max)  /*遍历哈希表*/                                {                                        if(emp[i].id!=NULL&&strcmp(emp[i].level,t_level)==0)                                        {                                                print_emp(emp[i]);   /*输出*/                                                printf("/nOperation success!!!/nPush any key to continue.../n");                                                getch();                                                f=1;                                        }                                        i++;                                }                                if(f)                                        return 1;                                else                                {                                        printf("/nCann't find the record!!!/nPush any key to continue.../n");       /*未查找到*/                                        getch();                                        return 0;                                }                        }                case 6: {       /*按职务查询*/                                char t_duty[8];                                int f;                                printf("/nPlease input the duty:");                                scanf("%s",t_duty);                                while(i<Max)  /*遍历哈希表*/                                {                                        if(emp[i].id!=NULL&&strcmp(emp[i].duty,t_duty)==0)                                        {                                                print_emp(emp[i]);   /*输出*/                                                printf("/nOperation success!!!/nPush any key to continue.../n");                                                getch();                                                f=1;                                        }                                     
   i++;                                }                                if(f)                                        return 1;                                else                                {                                        printf("/nCann't find the record!!!/nPush any key to continue.../n");       /*未查找到*/                                        getch();                                        return 0;                                }                        }                case 7: {       /*按电话查询*/                                char t_tel[11];                                printf("/nPlease input the telephone number:");                                scanf("%s",t_tel);                                while(i<Max)  /*遍历哈希表*/                                {                                        if(emp[i].id!=NULL&&strcmp(emp[i].tel,t_tel)==0)                                        {                                                print_emp(emp[i]);   /*输出*/                                                printf("/nOperation success!!!/nPush any key to continue.../n");                                                getch();                                                return 1;                                        }                                        i++;                                }                                printf("/nCann't find the record!!!/nPush any key to continue.../n");       /*未查找到*/                                getch();                                return 0;                        }        } };/*************************************************************************/ int edit_emp(employ emp[],int edit_id)  /*修改*/{        int i=0,d;         i=H(edit_id);      /*计算哈希地址*/         for(d=1;emp[i].id!=NULL;d++)        {                if(emp[i].id==edit_id)                {   /*职工资料修改*/                        printf("/nPlease input new name:");                        scanf("%s",emp[i].name);                        printf("/nPlease input new sex:");                        scanf("%s",emp[i].sex);                        printf("/nPlease input new birth year:");                        scanf("%d",&emp[i].birth_y);                        printf("/nPlease input new birth month:");                        scanf("%d",&emp[i].birth_m);                        printf("/nPlease input new educational level:");                        scanf("%s",emp[i].level);                        printf("/nPlease input new duty:");                        scanf("%s",emp[i].duty);                        printf("/nPlease input new telephone number:");                        scanf("%s",emp[i].tel);                        printf("/nPlease input new address:");                        scanf("%s",emp[i].add);                         printf("/nOperation success!!!/nPush any key to continue.../n");                        getch();                        return 1;                }                else i=H(edit_id+d);       /*线性探测再散列*/        }         printf("/nCann't find the id!!!/nPush any key to continue.../n");    /*未查找到*/        getch();        return 0;}; /*************************************************************************/ void ins_emp(employ emp[])        /*插入*/{        int i,d;         employ t_emp;         printf("/nPlease input id:");   /*职工资料输入*/        scanf("%d",&t_emp.id);        printf("/nPlease input name:");        scanf("%s",t_emp.name);        printf("/nPlease input sex:");        scanf("%s",t_emp.sex);        printf("/nPlease input birth year:");        scanf("%d",&t_emp.birth_y);        printf("/nPlease input birth month:");        scanf("%d",&t_emp.birth_m);        printf("/nPlease input educational level:");        scanf("%s",t_emp.level);        printf("/nPlease input duty:");        scanf("%s",t_emp.duty);        printf("/nPlease input telephone number:");        scanf("%s",t_emp.tel);        printf("/nPlease input address:");        scanf("%s",t_emp.add);             i=H(t_emp.id);      /*计算哈希地址*/         for(d=1;emp[i].id!=NULL;d++)  /*查找插入位置*/        {                            i=H(t_emp.id+d); /*线性探测再散列*/        }         emp[i]=t_emp; /*插入节点*/         printf("/nOperation success!!!/nPush any key to continue.../n");        getch();}; /**********************************************************************/ int del_emp(employ emp[],int del_id)  /*删除*/{        int i,d;         i=H(del_id);      /*计算哈希地址*/        for(d=1;emp[i].id!=NULL;d++)        {                if(emp[i].id==del_id)                {                        emp[i].id=NULL;   /*删除节点*/                        printf("/nOperation success!!!/nPush any key to continue.../n");                        getch();                        return 1;                }                else i=H(del_id+d);       /*线性探测再散列*/        }         printf("/nCann't find the id!!!/nPush any key to continue.../n");     /*未查找到*/        getch();        return 0;}; /**********************************************************************/ int QKPass(employ emp[],int left,int right)              /*一趟快速排序算法*/{        employ x=emp[left];        while(left<right)        {                while(left<right&&emp[right].id>x.id)                        right--;                if(left<right)                {                        emp[left]=emp[right];                        left++;                }                while(left<right&&emp[left].id<x.id)                        left++;                if(left<right)                {                        emp[right]=emp[left];                        right--;                }        }         emp[left]=x;        return left;} void QKSort(employ emp[],int left,int right)   /*快速排序*/{        int pos;        if(left<right)        {                pos=QKPass(emp,left,right);                QKSort(emp,left,pos-1);                QKSort(emp,pos+1,right);        }}/**********************************************************************/ int sort_emp(employ emp[],int flag) /*排序*/{        int i=0,k;         switch(flag)        {                case 0: {       /*按编号排序*/                                employ t_emp[Max];                                 for(k=0;k<Max;k++)                                               t_emp[k]=emp[k];                                 QKSort(t_emp,0,Max);                                 while(t_emp[i].id!=NULL)  /*遍历排序表*/                                {                                        print_emp(t_emp[i]);   /*输出*/                                        printf("/nOperation success!!!/nPush any key to continue.../n");                                        getch();                                        i++;                                }                                return 1;                        }        }} /**********************************************************************/ void read_file(){};     /*从文件读取员工信息*/ /**********************************************************************/ void write_file(){};    /*把员工信息写入文件*/ /**********************************************************************/    #include "stdio.h"#include "fansy.h" main(){             employ emp[Max];        /*建立哈希表*/int item,k;         for(k=0;k<Max;k++)      /*初始化 */                            emp[k].id=NULL;         for(;;)                  {                          clrscr();                   printf("/t/t****************************************/n");                   printf("/t/t**        F.S.Studio 1999--2004          **/n");                   printf("/t/t**                Fansy               **/n");                   printf("/t/t**                                    **/n");                   printf("/t/t**        http://fansy.nease.net           **/n");                   printf("/t/t****************************************/n/n/n");                   printf("/t/t########################################/n");                   printf("/t/t##                                    ##/n");                   printf("/t/t##    1.Inquire employee information       ##/n");                   printf("/t/t##    2.Edit employee information         ##/n");                   printf("/t/t##    3.Insert new employee              ##/n");                   printf("/t/t##    4.Delete employee information       ##/n");                   printf("/t/t##    5.Sort employee information         ##/n");                   printf("/t/t##                                    ##/n");           printf("/t/t##    0.Exit...                          ##/n");           printf("/t/t##                                    ##/n");                   printf("/t/t########################################/n");                   printf("/t/tSelect item number:");                   scanf("%d",&item);                    switch(item)           {                     case 1:{                                int sel;                                printf("/t/t<<  0.No condition          >>/n");                                printf("/t/t<<  1.By id                 >>/n");                                printf("/t/t<<  2.By name               >>/n");                                printf("/t/t<<  3.By sex                >>/n");                                printf("/t/t<<  4.By birthday           >>/n");                                printf("/t/t<<  5.By educational level  >>/n");                                printf("/t/t<<  6.By duty               >>/n");                                printf("/t/t<<  7.By telephone number   >>/n");                                printf("/t/tSelect item number:");                                         scanf("%d",&sel);                                find_emp(emp,sel);                                break;                                     }                     case 2:{                                int idd;                                printf("/nPlease input the id which you want to edit:");                                scanf("%d",&idd);                                edit_emp(emp,idd);                                break;                                }                     case 3:{                                ins_emp(emp);                                break;                                 }                            case 4:{                                int idd;                                printf("/nPlease input the id which you want to delete:");                                scanf("%d",&idd);                                del_emp(emp,idd);                                break;                                }                     case 5:{                                sort_emp(emp,0);                                break;                                }                     case 0:         return 1;                   }         }}    [align=center] [/align][align=center]测试结果说明[/align][align=center] [/align]运行界面:                ****************************************                **        F.S.Studio 1999—2004         **                **                Fansy               **                **                                    **                **        http://fansy.nease.net           **                ****************************************                  ########################################                ##                                    ##                ##    1.Inquire employee information       ##                ##    2.Edit employee information         ##                ##    3.Insert new employee              ##                ##    4.Delete employee information       ##                ##    5.Sort employee information         ##                ##                                    ##                ##    0.Exit...                          ##                ##                                    ##                ########################################                Select item number: 插入:                Select item number:3 Please input id:1001 Please input name:fansy Please input sex:m Please input birth year:1984 Please input birth month:08 Please input educational level:high Please input duty:student Please input telephone number:83858359 Please input address:xust Operation success!!!Push any key to continue... 查询:Select item number:1<<    0.No condition          >><<    1.By id                >><<    2.By name             >><<    3.By sex               >><<    4.By birthday           >><<    5.By educational level    >><<    6.By duty              >><<    7.By telephone number   >>Select item number: 继续查询:                Select item number:1 Please input the id:1001 The id is:1001The name is:fansyThe sex is:mThe birth year is:1984The birth month is:8The educational level is:highThe duty is:studentThe telephone number is:83858359The address is:xustOperation success!!!Push any key to continue... [align=center] [/align][align=center] [/align][align=center] [/align][align=center]具体运行结果请自行操作……[/align] 
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