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2005-03-29 08:16 716 查看

public class NoteCategory

<!-- 定义表单模版类型实体 -->

    <TypeDef fullName="DGSoft.NoteManagementAlpha2.Data.NoteCategory" baseName="Maxtiviti.Storage.ItemBase">

        <PropertyDef name="Title" type="string" length="100" nullable="false" />

        <RelationshipDef name="Members" type="Maxtiviti.Storage.ItemBase" relationshipName="NoteCategoryMembers" direction="LinkIsSource" />

        <PropertyDef name="Copyright" type="string" length="200" nullable="true" />

        <PropertyDef name="Description" type="string" length="1000" nullable="true" />

        <RelationshipDef name="Parents" type="DGSoft.NoteManagementAlpha2.Data.NoteCategory" relationshipName="NoteCategoryMembers" direction="LinkIsTarget" />


现在查询的需求是查出所有typeof(NoteCategory)的对象,满足Parents.Count = 0的条件;

但是发现使用ObjectPath "Parents.Count=0"或"Parents[Count]=0"都无法进行查询,还抛出了异常;于是就到了Base4.Net的Forums上去问,结果得到的答案是:

Ask (Me) :

I defined a Class "NoteCategory" that contains a attribute "Parents"

the attribute is a Collection

how to query the object typeof(NoteCategory) that Parents.Count = 0  ?????

How to constuct the objectpath ??


thanks very much!!!!

Answer: (Alex James)

I don't support embedding a count filter on a relationship in objectpath yet... sorry.

Although what you are asking for should be added... I will have a think about how in the next few days.

The problem is that I collapse calls to object.Relationship so that you are querying the related object not the actual relationship table.

What needs to be done is to add additional HardCoded filters to the object.Relationship so that you can do the sort of things you are asking for....I will probably add support for this before Beta3.

While you can't do it with object path you can do it...

If you use an ObjectCommand and write the SQL yourself.

Execute the ObjectCommand so it returns a reader (ExecuteReader) and contruct an ObjectDataReader around the returned reader so you can read your NoteCategory objects.

It depends how you defined your RelationshipDef, if Parent is defined with LinkIsSource and a RelationshipName = Parent

This would return you all NoteCategories without parents:

SELECT * FROM [NOTECATEGORY] WHERE ID NOT IN (SELECT  DISTINCT(Source) FROM [Maxtiviti.Storage.Relationship] WHERE Name = 'Parent')

When I get a chance I will post you a snippet on how to use this code with a ObjectCommand...


public ItemCollection GetAllRootCategory()

                    ItemCollection result = new ItemCollection();

            ItemCollection ic = StorageContext.Find(typeof(NoteCategory),null);

            foreach(NoteCategory nc in ic)

                            if(nc.Parents.Count == 0)



            return result;


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