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The 3rd class of Josh

2005-03-12 15:52 423 查看

常用语:1、I wonder what's holding up Mike? = delay2、He's not gonna show = appear3、what kind of line did he give you this time? = excuse4、something about his car breaking down again = stop work5、what a bunch of crap = 类似与shit,但要比之稍好一些6、sb is a flake = 大骗子7、I run into him = meet8、It'll be a cold day in hell = not impossible9、Try not to lose your cool = temper10、you can always count on something = trust11、It's a critics panned it = shorted it12、we invite him to hang out with us again = doing something together13、I'm gonna really lay into him = hit or scold14、this is the last straw = I've had it15、forge the path = make the way to go16、blockbuster = 一鸣惊人者 注意事项1、colleagues 与 co-worker 是同意,但是经常用后者2、I'm doing any Masters/Phd/Post Doc in ….. At….3、一般说话需要做手势描述时,经常说,go like this ;do this4、不要说: Sb is active 老外不是这样说的。应该说,sb is energetic
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