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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '
' '扫雷游戏总的工程介绍 '
' '
' 这个游戏中我们主要通过类的使用,看看在vb中oop的使用方法。其中主要的文件及其主要作用如下所示: '
' '
' winmine . cls: 这是一个类模块,其中实现了游戏中主要的功能 '
' '
' winmine . frm: 这是游戏显示得主窗口,她是一个和玩家进行互动娱乐的主要界面接口,并且它也显示了winmine . cls 类的实例在游戏中的运用方法 '
' '
' cords . cls: 这是另一个类模块,这里主要是用来标记被错误标记的地雷的x , y坐标位置
' '
' custdlg . frm: 这是一个自定义游戏水平级别的窗体,当点击游戏显示主窗体中的自定义菜单时候,该对话框会以模式状态显示,所以必须做出选择,否则不能回到游戏现实主窗口进行游戏'
' &n
bsp; '
' instruct . frm: 这是一个窗体文件,当F1键被按下时,该窗口显示出来,用来显示游戏规则和对玩法
' 进行指导, '
' '
' about . frm 这也是一个窗体文件,用来显示一些相关信息等等' '
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

'定义了一个对象用来保存被错误标记的地雷的x , y轴坐标
Public mintX As Integer
Public mintY As Integer

' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

在winmine. cls类模块中建立一个类来方便对扫雷游戏的控制:

Option Explicit

'定义鼠标左键,同VB中的定义常数vbKeyLButton ,值都为1
Private Const LEFT_BUTTON As Byte = 1

Private Const NONE As Byte = 0
Private Const MINE As Byte = 243
Private Const BEEN As Byte = 244
Private Const FLAGGED As Byte = 2
Private Const QUESTION As Byte = 1

Private Const MIN_MINES As Byte = 10
Private Const MIN_ROWS As Integer = 8
Private Const MIN_COLS As Integer = 8
Private Const MAX_MINES As Byte = 99
Private Const MAX_ROWS As Integer = 24
Private Const MAX_COLS As Integer = 36

Private Const mintButtonWidth As Byte = 16
Private Const mintButtonHeight As Byte = 16

Private mbytNumMines As Byte
Private mbytCorrectHits As Byte
Private mbytTotalHits As Byte

Private mintRows As Integer
Private mintCols As Integer

' 记录在游戏中由玩家点击鼠标的位置,而确定的点击的方块的行数和列数
Private mintRow As Integer
Private mintCol As Integer

Public mblnNewGame As Boolean
Private mblnHitTestBegun As Boolean
Private mfrmDisplay As Form

' 定义一个动态的二维数组,用来保存包含地雷的方格的位置,以及那一个位置的周围有没有地雷,有多少地雷
Private mbytMineStatus() As Byte

Private mbytMarked() As Byte

Private mbytMineLocations() As Byte

' 定义一个集合,用来存放clsCoords类对象的x ,y轴坐标位置,他们指示着游戏中被标记错误的方格的位置
Private mcolWrongLocations As New Collection

' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
' '
' 作用: 判定那一个鼠标键被点击,以及在窗体中点击的位置,从而判断游戏玩家的行为
' 函数的输入参数: intButton: 表示哪一个鼠标键被点击(左键或者右键以及中键)
' inX: 记录鼠标键被点击的位置在X轴上的坐标 '
' inY: 记录鼠标键被点击的位置在Y轴上的坐标
' 返回值: 无
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Public Sub BeginHitTest ( intButton As Integer , intX As Single , intY As Single )

'如果mblnNewGame值为真,表示新的一局游戏开始的标志,所以当前游戏被结束,并且开始一局新游戏, mblnNewGame 变量在前面有定义
If mblnNewGame Then
NewGame ' 调用此函数开始一局新游戏
End If

' 如果游戏正在进行,那么设置mblnHitTestBegun的值为真,表示鼠标点击事件的开始
mblnHitTestBegun = True

'判定鼠标点击的位置, mintButtonWidth和mintButtonHeight在前面的定义中,定义为每一个方格的宽度和高度,用得到的鼠标点击位置除以方格的宽高,取整後就可以得到鼠标点击了哪一个方格,既第几行第几列中的方格
intX = Int(intX / mintButtonWidth)
intY = Int(intY / mintButtonHeight)

If intX >= mintCols Or intY >= mintRows Or intX < 0 Or intY < 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If

' intX * mintButtonWidth从新的到鼠标在窗口中的位置坐标的X轴,并赋值给mintCol变量
' intY * mintButtonHeight从新的到鼠标在窗口中的位置坐标的X轴,并赋值给mintCol变量
mintCol = intX * mintButtonWidth
mintRow = intY * mintButtonHeight

' 调用mbytMineStatus ( ) 函数,判断鼠标点击位置X , Y 的状态,如果这个方格已被点开,
' 那么退出该过程, 即什么动作都不发生
If mbytMineStatus(intY, intX) >= BEEN Then Exit Sub

Dim blnLeftDown As Boolean
'用得到的鼠标点击键与定义的常数相与,如果大于0,那么将blnLeftDown 赋值为真,
'blnLeftDown = (intButton - LEFT_BUTTON) > 0
'blnLeftDown = (intButton And LEFT_BUTTON) > 0
'If blnLeftDown Then 这两句合并为
'If intButton = 1 then

blnLeftDown = (intButton And LEFT_BUTTON) > 0

If blnLeftDown Then

'调用mbytMarked(intY, intX) 函数判断鼠标是否被标记为有雷
'如果返回值大于等于 2 (即 FLAGGED ),说明已经被标志,不做任何动作,退出此过程
If mbytMarked(intY, intX) >= FLAGGED Then Exit Sub

'调用mbytMarked(intY, intX) 函数判断鼠标是否被标记为问号,即不能确定
'如果返回值等于 1 (即 QUESTION ),说明已经被标志为问号,
'那么在原来的位置上显示 方块被按下的图片
If mbytMarked(intY, intX) = QUESTION Then
mfrmDisplay.imgPressed.Visible = False
mfrmDisplay.imgQsPressed.Visible = False
mfrmDisplay.imgQsPressed.Left = mintCol
mfrmDisplay.imgQsPressed.Top = mintRow
mfrmDisplay.imgQsPressed.Visible = True
'调用mbytMarked(intY, intX) 函数判断鼠标是否被标记为问号,即不能确定
'如果返回值不等于 1 (即 QUESTION ),说明没有被标志,
'那么在原来的位置上显示 方块被按下的图片

mfrmDisplay.imgQsPressed.Visible = False
mfrmDisplay.imgPressed.Visible = False
mfrmDisplay.imgPressed.Left = mintCol
mfrmDisplay.imgPressed.Top = mintRow
mfrmDisplay.imgPressed.Visible = True
End If

' 如果按下的是鼠标右键
Dim Msg As String
Dim CRLF As String

CRLF = Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)

Select Case mbytMarked(intY, intX)
'调用mbytMarked(intY, intX) 函数判断鼠标是否被标记

Case NONE:
'如果返回值大于等于 0 (即 NONE ),那么说明这里为一个空标志位
If mbytTotalHits = mbytNumMines Then
Msg = "不能再标记更多的有雷标志了" & CRLF
Msg = Msg & "有一个或更多的位置被错误的标志为有雷" & CRLF
Msg = Msg & "不能再用右键标志更多的雷了."

MsgBox Msg , vbCritical , "扫雷:错误"
Exit Sub ' 退出该过程
End If

mfrmDisplay.PaintPicture mfrmDisplay.imgFlag, mintCol, mintRow
mbytTotalHits = mbytTotalHits + 1

' mbytNumMines – mbytTotalHits表示总的地雷数量减去已经标志
mfrmDisplay.lblMinesLeft = "剩余地雷数 : " & mbytNumMines - mbytTotalHits


If mbytMineStatus(intY, intX) = MINE Then
mbytCorrectHits = mbytCorrectHits + 1
mbytMarked(intY, intX) = FLAGGED
Dim objCoords As New clsCoords

'在新建的clsCoords类的实例中存储被标记错误的地雷的X , Y坐标位置
objCoords.mintX = intX
objCoords.mintY = intY

mcolWrongLocations.Add objCoords

mbytMarked(intY, intX) = mbytTotalHits - mbytCorrectHits + 2
End If

' 如果所有的地雷都被正确标记出来那么对话框提示”恭喜你!,你以经赢了!”
If mbytCorrectHits = mbytNumMines Then
Msg = "恭喜你!" & CRLF
Msg = Msg & "你已经赢了!" & CRLF

MsgBox Msg , vbInformation , "扫雷"

' 准备开始一盘新游戏
mblnNewGame = True
End If

'如果返回值等于 1 (即 QUESTION ),那么说明这里为一个被标志为问号标志位,所以要将这个位置的状态设为NONE ,即设置为一个空的标志位
mbytMarked(intY, intX) = NONE

mfrmDisplay.PaintPicture mfrmDisplay.imgButton, mintCol, mintRow

Case Else:
'如果返回值为别的数值, 也就是为一个标记为地雷的状态,那么将其改为问号标志
mfrmDisplay.PaintPicture mfrmDisplay.imgQuestion, mintCol, mintRow

mbytTotalHits = mbytTotalHits - 1

mfrmDisplay.lblMinesLeft = "剩余地雷数 : " & mbytNumMines - mbytTotalHits

' 如果鼠标点击的位置状态是一个地雷,那么
If mbytMineStatus(intY, intX) = MINE Then
mbytCorrectHits = mbytCorrectHits - 1
Else .
' 如果鼠标点击的位置状态不是一个地雷,也就是说开始的标记是错误的,那么修改后,为正确,所以要从错误标记表中删除这一标记
mcolWrongLocations.Remove mbytMarked(intY, intX) - 2

Dim intXwm As Integer ' 错误标记方格的x轴坐标位置
Dim intYwm As Integer '错误标记方格的y轴坐标位置
Dim i As Integer ' 循环数

For i = mbytMarked(intY, intX) - 2 To mcolWrongLocations.Count
intXwm = mcolWrongLocations(i).mintX
intYwm = mcolWrongLocations(i).mintY
mbytMarked(intYwm, intXwm) = mbytMarked(intYwm, intXwm) - 1

End If
' 最後将鼠标点击位置的状态改为问号
mbytMarked(intY, intX) = QUESTION

End Select

End If

End Sub
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ' '
' 说明: 当鼠标被按下时,用来测定鼠标光标是在那个方格位置上经过的,从而决定产生什么动作,这个过程在游戏显示主窗口中产生鼠标弹起事件时被调用
' 函数的输入参数: intButton: 表示哪一个鼠标键被点击(左键或者右键以及中键)
' inX: 记录鼠标键被点击的位置在X轴上的坐标 '
' inY: 记录鼠标键被点击的位置在Y轴上的坐标
' 返回值: 无
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Public Sub EndHitTest(intButton As Integer, intX As Single, intY As Single)

' 如果当前正在进行的鼠标单击事件的标志mblnHitTestBegun为真
If mblnHitTestBegun Then
' 那么从新设置这个标志为假
mblnHitTestBegun = False
Exit Sub
End If

Dim blnLeftDown As Boolean
blnLeftDown = (intButton And LEFT_BUTTON) > 0

' 如果鼠标左键被按下
If blnLeftDown Then

'判定鼠标点击的位置, mintButtonWidth和mintButtonHeight在前面的定义中,定义为每一个方格的宽度和高度,用得到的鼠标点击位置除以方格的宽高,取整後就可以得到鼠标点击了哪一个方格,既第几行第几列中的方格
intX = Int(intX / mintButtonWidth)
intY = Int(intY / mintButtonHeight)

If intX >= mintCols Or intY >= mintRows Or intX < 0 Or intY < 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If

' 如果鼠标安键动作被释放的位置上的方格已经被标记,那么什么动作都不做,退出该过程
If mbytMarked(intY, intX) >= FLAGGED Then Exit Sub

intX = mintCol / mintButtonWidth
intY = mintRow / mintButtonHeight

If mbytMarked(intY, intX) = QUESTION Then
mfrmDisplay.imgQsPressed.Visible = False
mfrmDisplay.imgPressed.Visible = False
End If
Select Case mbytMineStatus(intY, intX)

Case Is >= BEEN:
' 如果当前位置的鼠标方格被打开,那么什么都不做,退出该过程
Exit Sub

Case NONE:

OpenBlanks intX, intY

Case MINE:
' 如果当前方格中包含地雷,那么你踩到地雷了
Dim intXm As Integer ' 地雷分布区的X坐标
Dim intYm As Integer '地雷分布区的Y坐标
Dim vntCoord As Variant ' 循环计数值
Dim i As Integer ' 循环计数值

For i = 0 To mbytNumMines - 1
' 在mbytMineLocations数组中取得所有包含地雷的方格的坐标
intYm = mbytMineLocations(i, 0)
intXm = mbytMineLocations(i, 1)
' 如果这个坐标位置的方格已经被标记,那么显示小旗图标
If mbytMarked(intYm, intXm) < FLAGGED Then
mfrmDisplay.PaintPicture mfrmDisplay.imgMine, intXm * mintButtonWidth, intYm * mintButtonHeight
End If


' 在当前的方格中显示被踩中的地雷图标
mfrmDisplay.PaintPicture mfrmDisplay.imgBlown, mintCol, mintRow

' 显示所有被标记错误的地雷的图标(用差号)
For Each vntCoord In mcolWrongLocations
' 在mcolWrongLocations中取得被标记错误的地雷的图标位置
intYm = vntCoord.mintY
intXm = vntCoord.mintX
' 显示所有被标记错误的地雷的图标
mfrmDisplay.PaintPicture mfrmDisplay.imgWrongMine, intXm * mintButtonWidth, intYm * mintButtonHeight


' 准备开始一盘新游戏
mblnNewGame = True

Dim CRLF As String
CRLF = Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)
' 对话框提示"你输了!"
MsgBox "你输了!", vbExclamation, "扫雷"

Case Else:
' 如果这个方格的周围有一个或更多的方格中包含地雷,那么显示它周围包含的地理数
mfrmDisplay.PaintPicture mfrmDisplay.imgPressed, mintCol, mintRow
mfrmDisplay.CurrentX = mintCol
mfrmDisplay.CurrentY = mintRow
mfrmDisplay.ForeColor = QBColor(mbytMineStatus(intY, intX))
mfrmDisplay.Print mbytMineStatus(intY, intX)

' 并且标记这个位置已经被打开
mbytMineStatus(intY, intX) = mbytMineStatus(intY, intX) + BEEN

End Select

End If

End Sub
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ' '
' 说明: 当这个窗体旧的对象的显示尺寸被赋予新的属性值时,过程被调用
' 输入参数 : frmDisplay: 旧的主显示窗体对象 '
' '
' 输出参数: 无 '
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Public Property Set frmDisplay(frmDisplay As Form)
' Property 表示为一个类的属性,属性名为frmDisplay
Set mfrmDisplay = frmDisplay
mfrmDisplay.FontBold = True

' 按游戏中设置的尺度和雷数,来从新确定主窗体的大小

End Property
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
' '
' 说明: 将当前游戏中设定的游戏级别的地雷分布的行数 、列数以及地雷数显示在自定义对话框的文本框中
' 输入参数 : frmDisplay: 旧的主显示窗体对象 '
' '
' 输出参数: 无 '
' '
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Public Sub GetMineFieldDimensions(frmDialog As Form)
' 得到当前游戏中设定的游戏级别的地雷分布的行数 、列数以及地雷数
frmDialog.txtRows = mintRows
frmDialog.txtColumns = mintCols
frmDialog.txtMines = mbytNumMines
' 将其高亮显示在自定义对话框的文本框中

frmDialog.txtRows.SelLength = Len(frmDialog.txtRows)
frmDialog.txtColumns.SelLength = Len(frmDialog.txtColumns)
frmDialog.txtMines.SelLength = Len(frmDialog.txtMines)

End Sub
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
' '
' 说明: 按当前游戏中设定的地雷游戏的尺寸,动态的分配数组大小,并且随机分配地雷分布的区域
' 输入参数: 无 '
' 输出参数: 无
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Private Sub InitializeMineField()

' 按设置的行列数及雷数,设置二维动态数组中的大小
ReDim mbytMineStatus(mintRows - 1, mintCols - 1)
ReDim mbytMarked(mintRows - 1, mintCols - 1)
ReDim mbytMineLocations(mbytNumMines - 1, 1)


Dim i As Integer '循环数
Dim r As Integer '循环数
Dim c As Integer '循环数

For i = 0 To mbytNumMines - 1

Dim intX As Integer
Dim intY As Integer

intX = Int(Rnd * mintCols)
intY = Int(Rnd * mintRows)

While mbytMineStatus(intY, intX) = MINE
intX = Int(Rnd * mintCols)
intY = Int(Rnd * mintRows)

mbytMineStatus(intY, intX) = MINE
mbytMineLocations(i, 0) = intY
mbytMineLocations(i, 1) = intX

For r = -1 To 1
For c = -1 To 1

Dim blnDx As Boolean
Dim blnDy As Boolean
blnDy = intY + r >= 0 And intY + r < mintRows
blnDx = intX + c >= 0 And intX + c < mintCols
If blnDy And blnDx Then
If mbytMineStatus(intY + r, intX + c) <> MINE Then
'如果没有地雷分布,那么将它的状态加1 ( 即设为无雷),并存放在mbytMineStatus中
mbytMineStatus(intY + r, intX + c) = mbytMineStatus(intY + r, intX + c) + 1
End If
End If



End Sub
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
' '
' 说明: 开始一盘新的游戏
' 输入参数: 无 '
' 输出参数: 无 '
' '
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Public Sub NewGame()

' 清除再主窗体中的显示

' 从新设置游戏中的变量和标志位
mbytCorrectHits = 0
mbytTotalHits = 0

mintRow = -1
mintCol = -1

mblnNewGame = False
mblnHitTestBegun = False

Dim i As Integer '循环数

' 清空错误标记地雷的mcolWrongLocations集合
For i = 1 To mcolWrongLocations.Count
mcolWrongLocations.Remove 1


' 从新设置主窗体中最下面的剩余地雷数
mfrmDisplay.lblMinesLeft = "剩余地雷数 : " & mbytNumMines

End Sub
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
' '
' 说明:如果这个方格被点击,并且其中不含有地雷,那么这个过程将打开所有的它周围的方格,直到遇到包含地雷的方格为止,这里使用了一种算法,有兴趣可以研究一下,首先从点击的方格位置开始,一直向左查找,直到遇到一个不为空的包含地雷的方格为止,此时以前一个扫描的方格位置为中心,顺时针查找它周围的方格是否含有地雷,从而勾画出没有地雷的方格的边缘,并存储边缘地雷的位置的x周坐标
' 函数的输入参数: inX: 记录鼠标键被点击的位置在X轴上的坐标 '
' inY: 记录鼠标键被点击的位置在Y轴上的坐标
' '
' 返回值: 无
' '
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Private Sub OpenBlanks(ByVal intX As Single, ByVal intY As Single)

' 定义四个布尔型变量,用来保存查找动作的移动方向
Dim blnGoUp As Boolean
Dim blnGoRight As Boolean
Dim blnGoDown As Boolean
Dim blnGoLeft As Boolean

' the border starts
' 用来保存查找动作的移动位置的X , Y轴坐标
Dim intXStart As Integer
Dim intYStart As Integer

' 集合队列中的位置索引
Dim intPos As Integer
' 循环计数值
Dim element As Variant

' 循环计数值
Dim y As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim i As Integer

Dim colX() As New Collection

ReDim colX(mintRows - 1)

While mbytMineStatus(intY, intX) = NONE

intX = intX - 1

If intX < 0 Then
intX = 0
intXStart = intX
intYStart = intY
End If


' first direction to go is up
' 首先是向上搜索
blnGoUp = True

' store this first non-empty mine location as the starting point.
intXStart = intX
intYStart = intY

If mbytMineStatus(intY, intX) = NONE Then

If blnGoUp Then
intX = intX - 1
intY = intY + 1
colX(intY).Remove (colX(intY).Count)
blnGoUp = False
blnGoLeft = True
ElseIf blnGoRight Then
intX = intX - 1
intY = intY - 1
blnGoRight = False
blnGoUp = True
ElseIf blnGoDown Then
intX = intX + 1
intY = intY - 1
colX(intY).Remove (colX(intY).Count)
blnGoDown = False
blnGoRight = True
ElseIf blnGoLeft Then
intX = intX + 1
intY = intY + 1
blnGoLeft = False
blnGoDown = True
End If

If (intXStart = intX And intYStart = intY) Then Exit Do


If blnGoUp Then

colX(intY).Add intX

If mbytMineStatus(intY, intX + 1) = NONE Then

If intY = 0 Then
blnGoUp = False
UP: intX = intX + 1
If (intXStart = intX And intYStart = intY) Then Exit Do
While mbytMineStatus(intY, intX) = NONE
If intX = mintCols - 1 Then GoTo RIGHT
intX = intX + 1
If (intXStart = intX And intYStart = intY) Then Exit Do
blnGoDown = True
intY = intY - 1
If (intXStart = intX And intYStart = intY) Then Exit Do
End If


blnGoUp = False
blnGoRight = True
intX = intX + 1
If (intXStart = intX And intYStart = intY) Then
If colX(intY).Count Mod 2 <> 0 Then
intPos = 1
For Each element In colX(intY)
If element = intXStart Then
colX(intY).Remove (intPos)
Exit Do
End If
intPos = intPos + 1
End If
Exit Do
End If

End If

ElseIf blnGoRight Then

If mbytMineStatus(intY + 1, intX) = NONE Then

If intX = mintCols - 1 Then
blnGoRight = False
RIGHT: colX(intY).Add intX
intY = intY + 1
If (intXStart = intX And intYStart = intY) Then Exit Do
While mbytMineStatus(intY, intX) = NONE
colX(intY).Add intX
If intY = mintRows - 1 Then GoTo DOWN
intY = intY + 1
If (intXStart = intX And intYStart = intY) Then Exit Do
colX(intY).Add intX
blnGoLeft = True
intX = intX + 1
If (intXStart = intX And intYStart = intY) Then
If colX(intY).Count Mod 2 <> 0 Then
intPos = 1
For Each element In colX(intY)
If element = intXStart Then
colX(intY).Remove (intPos)
Exit Do
End If
intPos = intPos + 1
End If
Exit Do
End If
End If


blnGoRight = False
blnGoDown = True

colX(intY).Add intX
intY = intY + 1
If (intXStart = intX And intYStart = intY) Then Exit Do

End If

ElseIf blnGoDown Then

colX(intY).Add intX

If mbytMineStatus(intY, intX - 1) = NONE Then

If intY = mintRows - 1 Then
blnGoDown = False
DOWN: intX = intX - 1
If (intXStart = intX And intYStart = intY) Then Exit Do
While mbytMineStatus(intY, intX) = NONE
If intX = 0 Then GoTo LFT
intX = intX - 1
If (intXStart = intX And intYStart = intY) Then Exit Do
blnGoUp = True
intY = intY + 1
If (intXStart = intX And intYStart = intY) Then Exit Do
End If


blnGoDown = False
blnGoLeft = True

intX = intX - 1
If (intXStart = intX And intYStart = intY) Then Exit Do

End If

ElseIf blnGoLeft Then

If mbytMineStatus(intY - 1, intX) = NONE Then

If intX = 0 Then
blnGoLeft = False
LFT: colX(intY).Add intX
If intY = 0 Then GoTo UP
intY = intY - 1
If (intXStart = intX And intYStart = intY) Then Exit Do
While mbytMineStatus(intY, intX) = NONE
colX(intY).Add intX
If intY = 0 Then GoTo UP
intY = intY - 1
If (intXStart = intX And intYStart = intY) Then Exit Do
colX(intY).Add intX
blnGoRight = True
intX = intX - 1
If (intXStart = intX And intYStart = intY) Then Exit Do
End If


blnGoLeft = False
blnGoUp = True

colX(intY).Add intX
intY = intY - 1
If (intXStart = intX And intYStart = intY) Then Exit Do

End If

End If

End If


For y = 0 To mintRows - 1

If colX(y).Count > 0 Then

' Sort the X co-ord pairs in ascending order, by using
' a standard Listbox control
For x = 1 To colX(y).Count

Dim intXValue As Integer
intXValue = colX(y)(x)

If intXValue < 10 Then
intXValue = intXValue + 48
ElseIf intXValue >= 10 Then
intXValue = intXValue + 55
End If

mfrmDisplay.lstSortedX.AddItem Chr$(intXValue)



For x = 0 To mfrmDisplay.lstSortedX.ListCount - 1 Step 2

Dim intR1 As Integer
Dim intC1 As Integer
Dim intColStart As Integer
Dim intColEnd As Integer
Dim intDx As Integer
Dim intWidth As Integer

intR1 = y * mintButtonHeight

intColStart = Asc(mfrmDisplay.lstSortedX.List(x))
If intColStart <= 57 Then
intColStart = intColStart - 48
ElseIf intColStart >= 65 Then
intColStart = intColStart - 55
End If

intColEnd = Asc(mfrmDisplay.lstSortedX.List(x + 1))
If intColEnd <= 57 Then
intColEnd = intColEnd - 48
ElseIf intColEnd >= 65 Then
intColEnd = intColEnd - 55
End If

intC1 = intColStart * mintButtonWidth
intDx = intColEnd - intColStart + 1
intWidth = intDx * mintButtonWidth

mfrmDisplay.PaintPicture mfrmDisplay.imgOpenBlocks, intC1, intR1, , , 0, 0, intWidth, mintButtonHeight

For i = 0 To intDx - 1

If mbytMarked(y, intColStart + i) > NONE Then

If mbytMarked(y, intColStart + i) = QUESTION Then
mfrmDisplay.PaintPicture mfrmDisplay.imgQuestion, intC1 + i * mintButtonWidth, intR1
mfrmDisplay.PaintPicture mfrmDisplay.imgFlag, intC1 + i * mintButtonWidth, intR1
End If

ElseIf mbytMineStatus(y, intColStart + i) > NONE Then

mfrmDisplay.CurrentX = intC1 + i * mintButtonWidth
mfrmDisplay.CurrentY = intR1

If mbytMineStatus(y, intColStart + i) >= BEEN Then
mfrmDisplay.ForeColor = QBColor(mbytMineStatus(y, intColStart + i) - BEEN)
mfrmDisplay.Print mbytMineStatus(y, intColStart + i) - BEEN
ElseIf mbytMineStatus(y, intColStart + i) = MINE Then
mfrmDisplay.PaintPicture mfrmDisplay.imgButton, intC1 + i * mintButtonWidth, intR1
mfrmDisplay.ForeColor = QBColor(mbytMineStatus(y, intColStart + i))
mfrmDisplay.Print mbytMineStatus(y, intColStart + i)
mbytMineStatus(y, intColStart + i) = mbytMineStatus(y, intColStart + i) + BEEN
End If

End If




End If


End Sub
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ' '
' 说明:按照游戏中设置的窗体的大小,从新设置游戏主显示窗体的尺寸
' 输入参数:无

' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Private Sub ResizeDisplay()

mfrmDisplay.ScaleMode = 1
mfrmDisplay.Width = mfrmDisplay.Width - mfrmDisplay.ScaleWidth + mintCols * mintButtonWidth * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
mfrmDisplay.Height = mfrmDisplay.Height - mfrmDisplay.ScaleHeight + mintRows * mintButtonHeight * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY + mfrmDisplay.lblMinesLeft.Height

mfrmDisplay.lblMinesLeft.Left = 0
mfrmDisplay.lblMinesLeft.Top = mfrmDisplay.ScaleHeight - mfrmDisplay.lblMinesLeft.Height
mfrmDisplay.lblMinesLeft.Width = mfrmDisplay.ScaleWidth
mfrmDisplay.lblMinesLeft = "剩余地雷数 : " & mbytNumMines

mfrmDisplay.ScaleMode = 3

End Sub
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
' '
'说明: 只要鼠标左键被按下,即触发此动作,并测定鼠标光标在那个方格上经过.
'函数的输入参数: intButton: 表示哪一个鼠标键被点击(左键或者右键以及中键)
' inX: 记录鼠标键被点击的位置在X轴上的坐标 '
' inY: 记录鼠标键被点击的位置在Y轴上的坐标
' 返回值: 空 '
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Public Sub TrackHitTest(intButton As Integer, intX As Single, intY As Single)

Dim blnLeftDown As Boolean
'定义一个布尔变量blnLeftDown ,用来标记鼠标左键是否被按下
blnLeftDown = (intButton And LEFT_BUTTON) > 0
If blnLeftDown Then

' 如果不是在运行中的游戏中点击左键,那么什么都不做,退出此过程
If Not mblnHitTestBegun Then Exit Sub

'判定鼠标点击的位置, mintButtonWidth和mintButtonHeight在前面的定义中,定义为每一个方格的宽度和高度,用得到的鼠标点击位置除以方格的宽高,取整後就可以得到鼠标点击了哪一个方格,既第几行第几列中的方格
intX = Int(intX / mintButtonWidth)
intY = Int(intY / mintButtonHeight)

If intX >= mintCols Or intY >= mintRows Or intX < 0 Or intY < 0 Then
mfrmDisplay.imgQsPressed.Visible = False
mfrmDisplay.imgPressed.Visible = False
Exit Sub
End If

' 如果鼠标点击的方格已经被标记为一个有地雷的方格
' 那么什么都不做,并退出此过程
If mbytMarked(intY, intX) >= FLAGGED Then
mfrmDisplay.imgQsPressed.Visible = False
mfrmDisplay.imgPressed.Visible = False
Exit Sub
End If

Dim intRowOld As Integer
Dim intColOld As Integer

'定义两个变量intRowOld和 intColOld ,用来记录前一次鼠标点击的位置
intRowOld = mintRow
intColOld = mintCol

mintCol = intX * mintButtonWidth
mintRow = intY * mintButtonHeight

If intRowOld = mintRow And intColOld = mintCol Then
If mfrmDisplay.imgPressed.Visible Or mfrmDisplay.imgQsPressed.Visible Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If

' 如果鼠标点击的当前位置已被点开,那么什么都不做,退出此过程
If mbytMineStatus(intY, intX) >= BEEN Then
mfrmDisplay.imgPressed.Visible = False
mfrmDisplay.imgQsPressed.Visible = False
Exit Sub
End If

' 如果鼠标点下的位置上的方格被标记为问号,那么显示鼠标按下问号的图标
If mbytMarked(intY, intX) = QUESTION Then
mfrmDisplay.imgPressed.Visible = False
mfrmDisplay.imgQsPressed.Visible = False
mfrmDisplay.imgQsPressed.Left = mintCol
mfrmDisplay.imgQsPressed.Top = mintRow
mfrmDisplay.imgQsPressed.Visible = True
' 如果鼠标点下的位置上的方格没被标记,那么显示鼠标按下的图标
mfrmDisplay.imgQsPressed.Visible = False
mfrmDisplay.imgPressed.Visible = False
mfrmDisplay.imgPressed.Left = mintCol
mfrmDisplay.imgPressed.Top = mintRow
mfrmDisplay.imgPressed.Visible = True
End If

End If

End Sub
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ' '说明: 当一个clsWinMine类型的对象被初始化时,此函数被调用.从而初始化游戏中的变量和各个标志位以及从新布雷区

' 输入参数: 无
' 输出参数 : 无
' '
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Private Sub Class _ Initialize ( )
mbytNumMines = 10
mbytCorrectHits = 0
mbytTotalHits = 0

mintRows = 8
mintCols = 8
mintRow = -1
mintCol = -1

mblnNewGame = False
mblnHitTestBegun = False
Set mfrmDisplay = Nothing


End Sub
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
' '
' 说明: 阻止玩家设置不适当的地雷的行数、列数以及地雷数。并将地雷的行数、列数以及地雷数设置在适当的范围,最后将地雷的行数、列数以及地雷数存储在游戏clsWinMine类的相关属性中 '
' 输入参数: intRows: 设定的地雷分布区的行数 '
' intCols: 设定的地雷分布区的列数 '
' bytMines: 设定的地雷分布区所包含的地雷数 '
' blnLevelCustom: 如果是玩家自定义的地雷的行数、列数以及地雷数,那么该值被设为True,否则该值被设为假
' 输出参数 : 无 '
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Public Sub SetMineFieldDimension(intRows As Integer, intCols As Integer, bytMines As Byte, blnLevelCustom As Boolean)
mintRows = intRows
If intRows < MIN_ROWS Then mintRows = MIN_ROWS
If intRows > MAX_ROWS Then mintRows = MAX_ROWS

mintCols = intCols
If intCols < MIN_COLS Then mintCols = MIN_COLS
If intCols > MAX_COLS Then mintCols = MAX_COLS
'并且保证玩家设置的地雷的数量也合适, (当然具体数量可以自己确定)
mbytNumMines = bytMines
If blnLevelCustom Then
Dim intMines As Integer
intMines = (mintRows * mintCols) / 5
If bytMines < intMines Then
mbytNumMines = intMines
bytMines = intMines
ElseIf bytMines > (intMines * 4) / 3 Then
mbytNumMines = (intMines * 4) / 3
bytMines = mbytNumMines
End If
End If

If bytMines < MIN_MINES Then mbytNumMines = MIN_MINES
If bytMines > MAX_MINES Then mbytNumMines = MAX_MINES

' 清除当前窗口的显示,开始一盘新的游戏


End Sub
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ' '
' 说明:当游戏clsWinMine类型的实例对象被设置为空的时候,调用此函数,也就是类的析构函数。 '   用来释放游戏中所用到的动态数组的内存空间,并且腾空存储错误标记地雷位置的内存空间
' '
' 输入参数: 无
' '
' 输出参数: 无 '
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '
Private Sub Class_Terminate()

' 在类型clsWinMine被析构时,释放三个数组的内存空间
Erase mbytMineStatus
Erase mbytMarked
Erase mbytMineLocations

Dim i As Integer ' 定义循环数

For i = 1 To mcolWrongLocations.Count
mcolWrongLocations.Remove 1

End Sub

' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '
' winmine . frm: 这是游戏显示得主窗口,她是一个和玩家进行互动娱乐的主要界面接口,并且它'也显示了winmine . cls 类的实例在游戏中的运用方法
' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '

Private objMine As New clsWinMine

Private Sub Form _ Load ( )

' 通过objMine对象,赋予它所属的clsWinMine类的frmDisplay属性的值,从而设置游戏的主窗
Set objMine.frmDisplay = Me
End Sub

Private Sub mnuNew _ Click ( )
' 准备开始一局新的游戏.
objMine.NewGame ' 调用objMine对象的NewGame方法,开始一局新的游戏.
End Sub

Private Sub mnuBeginner _ Click ( )
' 将游戏级别中的初级水平前画上对勾(即将其选中)
mnuBeginner . Checked = True
mnuIntermediate . Checked = False
mnuExpert . Checked = False
mnuCustom . Checked = False

' 设置主窗体中的埋雷位置为8 * 8 的正方形,其中藏有10个雷,的初级水平
objMine.SetMineFieldDimension 8, 8, 10, False
objMine.mblnNewGame = True

End Sub

Private Sub mnuIntermediate_Click()

mnuBeginner.Checked = False
mnuIntermediate.Checked = True
mnuExpert.Checked = False
mnuCustom.Checked = False

objMine.SetMineFieldDimension 16, 16, 40, False
objMine.mblnNewGame = True

End Sub

Private Sub mnuExpert_Click()

mnuBeginner.Checked = False
mnuIntermediate.Checked = False
mnuExpert.Checked = True
mnuCustom.Checked = False

objMine.SetMineFieldDimension 16, 30, 100, False
objMine.mblnNewGame = True

End Sub

Private Sub mnuCustom _ Click ( )
' 将游戏级别中的自定义水平前画上对勾(即将其选中)
mnuBeginner.Checked = False
mnuIntermediate.Checked = False
mnuExpert.Checked = False
mnuCustom.Checked = True

objMine.GetMineFieldDimensions frmCustomDlg
frmCustomDlg.Show 1 ' 显示自定义大小及雷数的自定义窗体

' 如果在自定义窗体中,按下键盘左上角Escape键,那么退出自定义窗体
If frmCustomDlg.mblnEscape Then Exit Sub

' 如果点击自定义窗体中的确定按钮,那么将以在自定义窗体中设定的藏雷地图的大小和所藏雷的个数重新建立新的扫雷游戏
objMine.SetMineFieldDimension Val(frmCustomDlg.txtRows), Val(frmCustomDlg.txtColumns), Val(frmCustomDlg.txtMines), True

' 并且释放自定义窗体
Unload frmCustomDlg

' 按设定,重新开始一局新游戏
objMine.mblnNewGame = True

End Sub

' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '
' 下面是自定义窗体中中添加的相关代码: custdlg . frm: 这是一个自定义游戏水平级别的窗体,当点击游戏显示主窗体中的自定义菜单时候,该对话框会以模式状态显示,所以必须做出选择,否则不能回到游戏现实主窗口进行游戏'
''* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '

Option Explicit

' 定义了一个布尔型的变量,用来标记在自定义窗口中是否按下了ESC键,如果按下了ESC键,那么什么都不做,直接退出对话框
Public mblnEscape As Boolean

Private Sub cmdEscape_Click()
mblnEscape = True
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
mblnEscape = False
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
mblnEscape = True
End Sub

Private Sub txtColumns_GotFocus()

txtColumns.SelStart = 0
txtColumns.SelLength = Len(txtColumns)
End Sub

Private Sub txtMines_GotFocus()

txtMines.SelStart = 0
txtMines.SelLength = Len(txtMines)
End Sub

Private Sub txtRows_GotFocus()

txtRows.SelStart = 0
txtRows.SelLength = Len(txtRows)
End Sub


Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

objMine.BeginHitTest Button, x, y
End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

objMine.TrackHitTest Button, x, y
End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

objMine.EndHitTest Button, x, y
End Sub

'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '
下图是我们添加的对话框的运行结果,其中我们加入了一个安钮(设置它的caption属性为cmdok ) , 和一个标签控件(设置它的caption属性为空, 因为我们在代码中进行了动态的设置).下面是主要的代码:
图画 About
'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '

‘= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
‘cmdOK _ Click ( ) 事件是点击按钮时发生的, 语句Unload Me 时释放窗体内存的意思
‘= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Private Sub cmdOK _ Click ( )
Unload Me
End Sub
‘= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
‘Form _ Load ( ) 事件是点击菜单中的”关于”时发生的, 作用是将窗体载入内存.
‘= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim hchh As String ‘定义一个字符串
hchh = Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) ‘并且将它的值设置为回车换行符

Dim AboutMessage As String ‘定义一个消息字符串,用来显示相关的关于信息
AboutMessage = hchh & hchh & "制作人:潇潇" & hchh
AboutMessage = AboutMessage & "二零零四年四月末"

lblAbout.Caption = AboutMessage ‘在标签中显示关于信息

End Sub

'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '
'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '
Private Sub mnuAboutWinMine _ Click ( )
frmAboutBox.Show 1
End Sub

'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '
'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '
Private Sub mnuPlayingInstructions_Click()
' 显示游戏规则说明窗体
frmInstructBox.Show 1
End Sub

'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '
'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '
Private Sub cmdOK _ Click ( )
Unload Me
End Sub
'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '
'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '
Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim hhhc As String
hhhc = Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)

Dim youxiguize As String
youxiguize = CRLF & "按下 F2 去开始一盘新游戏." & CRLF & CRLF
youxiguize = youxiguize & "这个游戏的目标就是要想方设法的标记出游戏中的包含地雷的方格. "
youxiguize = youxiguize & "在游戏中你可以通过察看,已经被打开的方格中显示得周围8个方格中所包含的地雷数,来判断其余地雷的随机分布情况. "
youxiguize = youxiguize & "如果你在游戏中点开了一个包含有地雷的方格,那么你就失败了,并且游戏也就随之结束了. "
youxiguize = youxiguize & "如果你在游戏中带开的是一个显示数字的方格,那么你可以通过这个数字判断周围的地雷数,因为这个数字就是表明了周围8个方格中包含的地雷数 "
youxiguize = youxiguize & "你可以在一个方格上点击鼠标右键,这时会在这个方格的位置上显示一个小旗标志,它表示这里被你确定为有地雷. "
youxiguize = youxiguize & "如果在一个被标记为一个有地雷的方格上再次点击鼠标右键,那么就会再此方格位置上显示一个问号的图标,表示这个地方你不能确定是否有地雷;如果你在次在此位置上点击鼠标右键,那么将显示一个正常的方格按钮,恢复最初的状态. "
youxiguize = youxiguize & "当你不能确定一个方格位置是否有地雷,那么这个问号是一个有益的帮助,你可以在以再返回来思考这个地方. "
youxiguize = youxiguize & "你也可以直接在一个方格上点击鼠标右键两次,那么它也会在此位置上显示一个问号的图标. "
youxiguize = youxiguize & "当然要想进行游戏,我们必须点击鼠标左键,这样如果点击的位置上没有地雷,就会打开这个位置,并且在这个上显示一个周围8个方格中所包含的地雷的个数."

txtInstruct . text = youxiguize

End Sub
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