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2004-08-23 14:35 162 查看
TDBGridEh 允许在多列上创建标题,例如:

设置 DBGridEh.UseMultiTitle 属性为 True 并且填充字段的标签或列标题的标题,可以使用下面的规则:字段标签中的文本部分或列标题必须由几部分组成,并且用 "|" 分割,几个列的每一个通用部分都设置为相同。其它字段或标题必须在相应的部分包含同样的文本。?


Field1.DisplayLabel := 'Title1|SubTitle1';
Field2.DisplayLabel := 'Title1|SubTitle2';
??? 或
DBGridEh.Columns[0].Title.Caption := 'Title1|SubTitle1';
DBGridEh.Columns[1].Title.Caption := 'Title1|SubTitle2';
设置Column.Title.TitleButton 为 True可以强制标题单元为按钮式。写 OnTitleBtnClick事件来控制用户单击标题单元时的操作。?

To show bitmap in titles instead of caption use TitleImages property of TDBGridEh and ImageIndex property of TColumnTitleEh.

TDBGridEh allows to show special? sortmarking bitmaps (small triangles) in the right part of title cell. In order to automatically marking title by sortmarking bitmaps add dghAutoSortMarking to OptionsEh property. Add dghMultiSortMarking too in order to allow sortmarking several columns simultaneously. Set Column.Title.TitleButton to true for titles which will have possibility to change sortmarkers at run time. At runtime clicking on title will change sortmarking. Holding Ctrl key allows to mark several columns simultaneously. After user change sormarking grid call OnSortMarkingChanged event. You can write this event to change sorting and reopen in dataset. Use SortMarkedColumns property to access to sortmarked columns.


TDBGridEh allows to show special row (footer) or rows at bottom part. Use FooterRowCount property to specify the number of footer rows in the grid. Use Footer or Footers property of TColumnEh object to specify information which need to show in footer cells. Footers property useful then you have more then one footer rows. Footers is a collection of TColumnFooterEh objects where information from i-th aliment of collection will be show in i-th cell of footer column. In footer cell, it is possible to show: Sum value for specified field, record count, value of a specified field or static text. Use property Footer.valueType or Footers[i].valueType to specify which type of value will be show in footer cell. If valueType = fvtStaticText, then set the property value to specify text which need to show. If valueType = fvtFieldvalue, then you need to set property FieldName to specify field, value of which need to show. To force grid to calculate total values need to activate SumList (DBGridEh.SumList.Active := True). Set valueType to fvtSum and grid must to show sum value of the column field in the footer cell, you can also specify Column.Footer.FieldName to calculate total value of the other field. Set valueType to fvtCount to force grid to show count of records in the footer cell.

TDBGridEh allows to show bitmaps from TImageList component depending on field values. To show bitmaps depending on field values need: Fill list of field values to Column.KeyList property (every value in separate line) and set Column.ImageList property to ImageList control that has the bitmap in according index. Set Column.NotInKeyListIndex to index of bitmap that will be shown if field's value does not correspond to any value in KeyList (for instance you can set index of image for Null field value). At run time you are not allowed to edit bitmap in column cell. Use blank key and mouse click to set next value from Column.KeyList to the field; Shift-blank key and Shift-Mouse click to set previous value from Column.KeyList. Set Column.DblClickNextval to True have allows to change value on mouse double click.

Grid automatically shows checkboxes for boolean field. To show checkboxes for non boolean fields fill first line of Column.KeyList property that corresponds to the checked state of the checkbox, second line - non checked state, and set Column.Checkboxes ptoperty to True. Line of KeyList can represent more than one value in a semicolon-delimited list of items.

使用 RowHeight 和 RowLines 属性来指定数据行高。完整的数据行高 = 行线高度+行高。设置 RowSizingAllowed 为 True 以允许可以在运行是使用鼠标来改变行高。


设置 DrawMemoText to True来显示文本式的备注字段。.

TDBGridEh 中的 Font 和 Color 属性描述了数据网格中绘制单元格的字体和颜色。
TColumnEh 中的 Font 和 Color 属性描述了指定列中绘制单元格的字体和颜色。






你可以通过KeyList 和 PickList 属性在相关的的字段中显示其它文本。KeyList显示包含在字段的值而非PickList索引所包含的值。 Column.NotInKeyListIndex to index of text from PickList that will be shown if field value do not contain in KeyList (for instance you can set index of text for Null field value). Set Column.DblClickNextval to True to change value on mouse double click.

对于 TDateField 和 TDateTimeField 字段,inplace 编辑器将显示下拉按钮以显示显示下拉计算器。设置 Column.ButtonStyle 为 cbsNone 以禁止显示下拉按钮。

Inplace编辑器可以设置数据单元的颜色和字体。数据单元使用OnGetCellParams 事件来控制列的颜色和字体。 Inplace 编辑器在行高>一行的高度时自动设置为多行模式并且将列的属性 WordWrap 设置为True.
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