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ArrayList.Sort method in C#

2004-08-16 20:39 369 查看
Today I first used the sort method of ArrayList in C#.
 In order to sort the data under my business logic I designed a class inherit the IComparer interface,
then I realized the method -- Compare of the interface,in which I coded some logic to
compare two objects and return a value indication whether one is less than,equal to
or greater than the other.
There is a simple sample here

ArrayList myAL = new ArrayList();




            IComparer myComparer = new myCompare();

            myAL.Sort(0, 3, myComparer);

    public class myCompare : IComparer



        int IComparer.Compare(Object x, Object y)



            return ((new CaseInsensitiveComparer()).Compare(y, x));



I think the sort way of ArrayList designed in C# is great , we can sort the elements in any way we want
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标签:  c# interface class less