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silver sea(meav) 银之海

2004-07-21 05:35 519 查看
好久好久没有听歌了,我喜欢听音乐,但是很少听歌。。。。毕竟人的声音要达到完美并能征服你的耳朵,那是一件很困难的事情。。。 今天为大家送上一张完美的女声,meav (媚雅,美芙)的一张专集:爱尔兰美声meav_silver sea_银之海 。。

silver sea是meav继同名大碟meav成功后,经筹备多年推出的又一精心制作。这张专辑meav用了英语,爱尔兰语,法语进行演绎,将古典,民谣,现代结合在一起,专集里所有的歌曲都与海有关。
silver sea继承了上一张的风格,但又增添了新的元素,meav的歌声充满着无穷的吸引力,令人陶醉万分。对任何喜欢凯而特音乐的人,这张碟都是值得收藏的。自恩雅之后,我们很少再听到如此纯净完美的女声了!被誉为“嗓音美妙至极,唱工无与伦比”的爱尔兰女歌手媚雅是当今欧洲乐坛上当红的天后级发烧级人物,其天使般澄澈纯美的声线几乎无人可及。与恩雅相比,媚雅的声线在纯净中多了几分柔媚与迷离,更增添了一份迷人的韵致。首张专辑《媚雅的祈祷》在欧美及亚洲广受欢迎,美似天籁的歌声让人触骨销魂,而风笛、手摇风琴、竖笛等极具爱尔兰特点的乐器编配,又为听者尽现出爱尔兰高地独特的景致,加上通透嘹亮的声场和深厚饱满的动态录音,被发烧友一致推荐为超极品发烧女声大碟。

1. You Brought me Up
By John Spillane and Louis de Paor, a sad love song full of watery images arranged for piano, cello and oboe.

2. Wicked Sister
A new song based on an old ballad about jealousy, murder and revenge with a beating bodhrán heart.

3. Morning in Béarra
This combines the familiarity of the beautiful melody of Danny Boy with the freshness of Irish lyrics, arranged for shimmering string quartet.

4. Full fathom Five
Méav’s own setting of a vivid text by Shakespeare. It describes a drowned man at the bottom of the sea with pearls for eyes and mermaids tolling bells for him - with harp and echoing layered vocal harmonies.
5. The Waves of Tory
Previously unrecorded flowing song about an emigrant returning to his island after years away -sung in English and Irish.

6. A Maid in Bedlam
Quirky English folksong about a girl in Bedlam asylum driven crazy because her lover has been sent away to sea. Bouncy medieval style arrangement with vocal harmonies and drums.

7.The Cradles
A classical French lullaby by Fauré with a delicate harp accompaniment.

8. Newry Boat Song
A scots girl laments that her lover has crossed the sea and married and Irish girl. Accompanied by a chorus of deep male-voice harmonies.

9. Martha’s Harbour
Contemporary rocking lovesong likening a lover to the sea with guitar accompaniment.

10. The Dark Haired Girl
A medley of a lively, wild piece of Mouth Music from Scotland and a lilting Donegal tune, describing an exciting sea journey.

11. Port na bPucaí
A haunting unaccompanied melody heard over the sea.

12. Silent O Moyle
One of Moore’s best loved melodies, this tale of the children of Lir includes a soaring descant line over a string quartet.

13. Youkali Tango
To end, a sensuous tango about a mysterious island by Kurt Weill given a gypsy flavour with trumpet and accordion.
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标签:  returning 音乐 string up