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Address Lines and Buses

2004-06-22 23:07 387 查看


DRAM里的每一个字节(BYTE)分配了一个唯一的被称为”地址(address)”的数字标识. 一个地址是一个整数值. 内存里的第一个字节分配的地址是零. 靠近零地址的内存区域通常被称为”低端内存(bottom of memory or low memory)”. 内存空间物理字节表示处理器可寻址的物理地址空间. 处理器的物理地址空间决定了它所拥有的地址总线数量. 地址总线是一组连接处理器到DRAM芯片的金属线, 每一个地址线指定了字节(a given byte)中一个位(a single bit)的地址 (Each address line specifies a single bit in the address of a given byte.). 比如, Intel Pentium有32个地址线, 这意味着每个字节是分配了一个32位(bit)地址, 所以它的录址空间由232个可设定地址字节组成(4GB). NOTE If virtual memory is enabled on the Pentium 4, there is a way to enable four additional address lines using what is known as Physical Address Extension (PAE). This allows the Pentium processor’s physical address space to be defined by 36 address lines, which translates into an address space of 236 bytes (64GB).<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
  处理器使用一个控制总线和一个数据总线来存取和更新物理内存. 总线(BUS)是一组连接了硬件子系统的金属线. 控制总线用于指示处理器是从内存读, 还是往内存写. 数据总线用于在处理器和内存之间进行数据的运送. 当处理器读内存时, 将执行如下步骤:
1.  处理器将需要读取和字节的地址放到地址总线
2.  处理器发送读信号给控制总线.
3.  DRAM 芯片返回数据总线上指定的字节.
当处理器写内存时, 将执行如下步骤:
1. 处理器将需要写的地址放到地址总线.
2. 处理器发送写信号给控制总线.
3.  处理器发送要写到内存的字节给数据总线.

  描述有些过于单纯化. 例如, the Pentium processor reads and writes data 4 bytes at a time. This is one reason why the Pentium is called a 32-bit chip. The processor will refer to its 32-bit payload using the address of the first byte (i.e., the byte with the lowest address). Nevertheless, I think the general operation is clear.
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标签:  byte extension each