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TCP/IP Datagram Explain

2004-06-22 22:46 423 查看
TCP/IP Datagram Explain (by xray)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
  Ethernet Transmission Line
 |                 |           |            |                 |           |
 | Ethernet Header | IP Header | TCP Header | Appln Header    | User Data |
 | 14 Bytes        | 20 Bytes  |  20 Bytes  | variable length             |
 <-------------------------- Ethernet Frame ------------------------------>
  Format of Ethernet Data Frame
 |                  |             |            |             |
 | Destination Addr | Source Addr | Frame Type | Frame Data  |
 |  6 Bytes         |  6 Bytes    |  2  Bytes  |             |
  If the packet is a valid IP packet then the value of
  Frame type field (13th and 14th bytes) will be 08 0016.

  Format of IP Datagram

 _____  _________________________________________________________________________
  /|   | Version | Header Length | Type of Service| Total Packet Length(2 bytes) |
   |   |(4 Bits) |  (4 Bits)     | (8 Bits )      |          (16 bits)           |
   |   |------------------------------------------+--------------+---------------|
   |   | Identication (2 Bytes)                   | Flags(3 bits)|Fragment Offset|
  20   |------------------------------------------+------------------------------|
 Bytes | Time to Live(1 byte) | Protocol (1 Byte) |  Header Check Sum. (2 Bytes) |
   |   |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
   |   |                  Source IP Address (4 Bytes)                            |
   |   |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
  /|   |                  Destination IP Address (4 Bytes)                       |
       |          Options (if any)   |      Padding ( if Required )              |
       |                            Data                                         |

  The Common TCP/IP Protocol that use IP

  Prot       Value
  TCP  ---> 06
  UDP  ---> 17
  ICMP ---> 01
  IGMP ---> 02
  Format of TCP Datagram
  | Source Port (2 Bytes)         | Destination Port (2 Bytes)    |
  |                    Sequence Number (4 Bytes)                  |
  |                    Acknowledge Number (4 Bytes)               |
  | Hlen   |  Reserverd   | Code Bits |    Window                 |
  |(4 Bits)| (6 Bits )    | (6 Bits ) |    (2 Bytes )             |
  |        Checksum (2 Bytes)         |    Urgent Data (2 Bytes)  |
  |        Options (If Any - 3 Bytes )     |  Padding (1 Bytes )  |
  |                          DATA                                 |
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标签:  header tcp byte service user