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2004-06-22 21:12 656 查看
using System;

using DiskQuotaTypeLibrary;

namespace Ex3cut3.Libraries { ///
public class QuotaClass { private DiskQuotaControlClass _diskQuotaControl;

//This path as to be in this format or
//else is going to give an error of invalid path
private const string FILESHAREVOLUME = @"//server/c$/";
private const int MBTOBYTES = 1048576;

public DiskQuotaControlClass DiskQuotaControl
if(this._diskQuotaControl == null)
this._diskQuotaControl = new DiskQuotaControlClass();
//Initializes the control to the specified path
this._diskQuotaControl.Initialize(FILESHAREVOLUME, true);
return this._diskQuotaControl;

public QuotaClass()

/// Adds a user to the quota entries of the volume
/// The name of the user to Add
/// The domain that the user uses to logon
/// The quota limit of this user
public void Add(string userName, string userDomain, int quotaLimit)
DIDiskQuotaUser dskuser = null;
//In some cases if you use name resolution,
//the application will give an error.
this.DiskQuotaControl.UserNameResolution =
//Here we had the user to the Quotas Entrys of
//the volume, we use user@domain.net the logon name of the user.
//You can use the domain/user or just the user,
//but in like this works faster
dskuser = this.DiskQuotaControl.AddUser(
user.SAMAccountName + "@" + user.Domain);
//here we set the limit of the quota, this is
//prepared to receive MB so i convert it to BYTES
dskuser.QuotaLimit = (int)quotaLimit * MBTOBYTES;
//here is the set of the warning limit
dskuser.QuotaThreshold = (int)(quotaLimit / 1.2) * MBTOBYTES;
dskuser = null;

/// Removes the user form the Quota Entries List
public void Remove(string userName)
//Here we just use the user, and invoke
//the method DeleteUser from the control

/// A private function to return the user object
/// The user name
/// A DIDiskQuotaUser Object
/// of the specified user
private DIDiskQuotaUser GetUser(string userName)
//Invokes the method to find a user in a quota entry list
return this.DiskQuotaControl.FindUser(userName);

/// Gets the quota of the user
/// The user name
/// A formated string of the quota
/// limit of the user
private string GetQuota(string userName)
//here we return the text of the quota limit
//0.0 bytes, 0.0 Kb, 0.0 Mb etc
return this.GetUser(userName).QuotaLimitText;

/// Gets the quota currently used by the user
/// The user name
/// A formated string of the quota
/// used by the user
private string GetQuotaUsed(string userName)
return this.GetUser(userName).QuotaUsedText;

/// Change the quota of a specified user
/// The user name
/// The new quota limit of the user
private void ChangeQuota(string userName, int quotaLimit)
DIDiskQuotaUser dskuser = this.GetUser(userName);
dskuser.QuotaLimit = quotaLimit * Support.Constants.CONVERTBTOMB;
dskuser.QuotaThreshold = (quotaLimit / 1.2)
* Support.Constants.CONVERTBTOMB;
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